“Demanding happiness from others is a sure way to dependency.”

Boris Grundl

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Passed the exam despite Corona difficulties

After three years of training, nine women and two men passed their exams as geriatric nurses. Anna-Maria Augsberger (fourth from left) and Heidelinde Hagel (sixth from right) received state awards for special achievements. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) Three years ago, nine women and two men decided to go back to nursing school at ISE. Now you have your long-awaited exam in your pocket. With enthusiasm and perseverance, they managed to graduate as geriatric nurses, even under difficult Corona conditions. At the same time, eight women and six men completed their one-year training to become geriatric care assistants. For the one-year training that is now beginning, the school is urgently looking for training positions at care facilities and social centers.

Of the 25 graduates, 13 have a migration background. They come from different countries. Seven employees were released from institutions for training, supported by the Employers Service Qualification Opportunities Act. Seven people were able to receive support through educational vouchers from the employment agency and the job center.

As with schools, Corona also put a stop to the two courses. In his farewell speech, ISE Managing Director Roland Domogalla addressed the restrictions caused by Corona. No face-to-face teaching could take place during this time; work assignments had to be created for learning at home and for lessons via video.

The important practice visits also could not take place as planned. For example, the practical test had to take place at school using a practice dummy. This was a special situation with new challenges for everyone. This time also showed how flexible nursing students are, who were able to rely on the school's professional support during the crisis.

Domogalla also praised the exemplary behavior of the students as well as the flexible teaching design by the teachers and freelance lecturers. The practices, nursing facilities and nursing services also had to come to terms with the new situation. In this context, Domogalla thanked the practice instructors and nursing service managers. Headmaster Ilona Lang encouraged the students to use what they had learned to help those in need of care entrusted to them in their everyday working lives. In his email greeting, Mayor Michael Cerny acknowledged that Care is one of the most important building blocks in coexistence in our society. It would be nice if lasting appreciation remained even after the pandemic.

Heidelinde Hagel (Wallmenichhaus, Amberg) and Anna-Maria Augsberger (St. Benedikt, Amberg) were particularly honored at the separate graduation ceremonies for outstanding achievements and very good training qualifications. They received an award from the Bavarian State Government.

The ISE nursing school will start the new “generalist training” on September 1st. This combines the three professions of geriatric care, health and nursing and pediatric nursing and concludes with the job title “nursing specialist”.

For the report
Hubert Uschald