“An investment in knowledge still brings the best returns.”

Benjamin Franklin

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Job openings

The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum in Amberg is looking for support:

Lecturer in adult education (m/f/d) wanted immediately
Scope: 39 hours/week

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is looking for a lecturer (m/f/d) with a degree to teach various topics in Amberg and Weiden.

The retraining, further education and training as well as knowledge transfer are an offer for (long-term) unemployed customers of the job center and the employment agencies.

The activity can also be carried out for a smaller number of hours as part-time employment.


  • Taking on teaching activities in subjects such as economics and social studies, arithmetic, logistics, sales, English, IT, HoGa (the subjects to be taught are coordinated according to individual qualifications)
  • Support in finding a training position and job
  • Maintaining activity records, protocols, and additional program documents
  • Arrangements internally with administration, course management and management


  • Completed degree or equivalent qualification
  • Didactics and methodological knowledge
  • Empathy, (intercultural) communication skills
  • Independent handling of tasks as well as working in a team

Locations: increasingly Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg (mainly) and Christian-Seltmann-Straße 21, 92637 Weiden

Short application with CV to:

Social pedagogue (m/f/d) wanted immediately.
Scope: 20 hours per week.

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is seeking a social pedagogue (m/f/d) with a degree to support participants in various ESF (European Social Fund) programs in Amberg and/or Weiden.
The qualifications are aimed at (long-term) unemployed clients of the job center. The qualifications are co-financed by the European Social Fund.
The position can be carried out either through a part-time employment contract or as freelance work.

Activities related to program supervision:

  • Conducting individual discussions with participants
  • Work with the group/in small groups
  • Possible involvement during the orientation phase in classes
  • Potentially providing referral guidance
  • Crafting application documents (e.g., for internships)
  • Acquiring internship placements
  • Supervising during the internship
  • Coordinating with the program supervisor at the job center / the participants' counselors
  • Maintaining activity records, protocols, and additional program documents
  • Internal coordination with administration, course leadership, project management
  • Participation in instructor meetings

Deployment locations: primarily Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg and Christian-Seltmann-Straße 21, 92637 Weiden.

Short application with CV to:

Teacher for integration courses (m/f/d) wanted immediately
Scope: 25 teaching units/week

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is looking for a teacher for integration courses (m/f/d) with BAMF approval. Admission to alpha courses is an advantage.


  • Taking over teaching duties for integration courses
  • Course management
  • Instructing course participants (m/f/d) in German

Requirements for applicants (m/f/d):

  • Teaching German as a foreign language
  • Intercultural communication
  • Working with migrants
  • Career preparation
  • Didactic

Location: reinforced Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg

Short application with CV to: