“Everything has a price, especially the things that don’t cost anything.”

Art van Rheyn

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Successful accounting professionals set new standards

Done! 15 women and two men underwent a commercial qualification course at ISE. Manfred Tröppl, office manager of the Federal Employment Agency in Amberg (back row, left), whose house sponsored the educational measure, also congratulated. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) 15 women and two men were able to receive the “Accounting Specialist CDT” certificate after a seven-month commercial qualification course.

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„Fokus Beruf & Arbeit“ sammelt Eindrücke in der Logistikbranche

On Wednesday, July 29, 2016, the “Focus Career” course set off for Schafhof II. There was a company tour of the company “Loxxess” with the company bus and two lecturers. As a logistics expert, the Loxxess company is a figurehead in the region; The Ebermannsdorf location is primarily responsible for supplying production to two Siemens plants. In total, the logistics company is represented in more than 20 locations in Germany alone.

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