“It is not enough to speak to the matter. You have to speak to people.”

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

The be-all and end-all for part-time job seekers

This course prepares participants for a career start and also provides a wide range of knowledge on the topics of the labor market, application training as well as IT and the Internet. In addition, participants increase their professional opportunities and professional skills as part of an internship.
The course is aimed primarily at younger unemployed people who are supported by the employment agency. Both full-time and part-time employees can take part in the measure and will be taught and supervised by our qualified specialist staff. Last but not least, the application documents are kept up to date and professional. Our internal employment agency can help you find internships, jobs and training positions.

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Qualification in warehouse logistics

This year, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, in cooperation with the Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg employment agency, is once again carrying out a measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications in warehouse logistics on a full-time basis. The course is specifically designed for people who would like to qualify in the warehouse and logistics sector in order to gain a professional foothold in this area later. The qualification in warehouse logistics takes place in Sulzbach-Rosenberg and includes a very varied and practice-oriented program. Among other things, professional qualifications are imparted in various areas of warehouse logistics. Forklift training is mandatory. An introduction to IT is still part of the course. The course program is rounded off by a four-week internship in which the participants can apply the specialist knowledge they have learned so far in practice. The ISE employment agent H. Albrecht will help with internship and job searches during the measure.

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Fokus Beruf & Arbeit – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Mit 18 Teilnehmern startete am 21.11.2016 wieder die Maßnahme Fokus Beruf & Arbeit. Die zentralen Vermittlungsinhalte, die den Teilnehmern beim ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum in Amberg gelehrt werden, sind Leben und Arbeiten in Deutschland.

  • How does our system work in Germany?
  • What values ​​do we count on?
  • What skills are necessary to work in our country?

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Continuing on the road to success – qualifying as a nursing assistant

Peter Blendowski (ISE project manager of the ESF project) and Andrea Gaßner (supervisor, lecturer and administrator in the project) really cannot complain about the learning progress of the 22 participants. After completing the second module, almost 100% of the participants were able to acquire the childcare certificate after passing theoretical and practical exams. This qualification entitles you to work as a carer in nursing homes (according to Section 87b SGBXI). After the many teaching and practical units, the participants can now look forward to a successful completion and better opportunities on the job market.

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Opportunity for older people – joy, friends, knowledge and new perspectives!

The “Chance for Older People” measure, in which we as students were able to take part, is now ending after three months. The course took place at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg (Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, near the train station). In November - at the beginning of the course - each and every one of us asked ourselves the same questions: "What's in store for me?", "What can I expect?", "Who will I meet there?" and "Will I have fun?" “.

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