“Before you give up, remember why you started.”

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Nursing staff urgently needed: Nursing qualifications enable future-proof prospects

Amberg. In December 2023, almost 5 million people in Germany were in need of care, with the trend continuing to rise. In order to meet the increasing demand for nursing staff, the ISE language and vocational training center has now successfully carried out nursing qualifications in Amberg for the 12th time. What is particularly noteworthy is the participation of some refugee women from Ukraine and the good overall result of the measure. At the certificate award ceremony, the job center and ISE praised the participants for their good to very good performance.

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Caregivers desperately wanted

ESF qualification to become a nursing assistant
On the mountain. The freshly graduated graduates, along with their trainers and representatives from the job center, were happy about the successful completion of their training to become nursing assistants. Image: H. Uschald

The European Social Fund (ESF) and the Amberg-Sulzbach job center each support 45 percent of the course for reintegration into the labor market. ISE takes care of the rest. Experience to date shows that there is great demand on the local labor market in the area of ​​geriatric care.

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